700 State Office Building Phone: (651) 296-2868 |
The Office of the Revisor of Statutes is a legislative office that provides services to members of both houses of the legislature as well as all constitutional offices, and all state agencies and departments. The services of the office are non-partisan and confidential and are described in detail in duties. The office consists of attorneys, editors, computer specialists, and support personnel. Services are provided in the following four areas. LegislativeWe assist members and legislative staff at most stages of the legislative process from the preparation of a draft of a bill through its presentation to the governor. Our office drafts bills, amendments, and other legislative documents. We prepare and issue a bill drafting manual containing styles and forms for drafting bills, resolutions, and amendments known as the Minnesota Revisor's Manual with Styles and Forms (Html). Manual in PDF. (980k 335 pages) |